Thursday, October 16, 2003

so now i have a new reporter to help me out..thank god!! now i won't have to die at 30!!
Shibbs is having the time of her life. takling to strange african men, getting chased by a village for pulling down an illegal shrine, hahahaha, life couldn't be more entertaining for me!!

i went for this awesome exhibition on indian handloom...nan describes it as a kid's day out or something. i mean my eyes popped out with all those fabrics and lampshades and handicraft articles. life couldn't get better for someone who has resolved to wear only handloom. haven't seen so much colour, so much cloth and so many varieties in all my life!!

on my way out, we saw this old man with his wife selling straw baskets, it was the most heart rending sight. it's strange but i cant get that man out of my head. he was really old. could hardly speak up, sitting all alone with his wife and selling baskets. holding them up for people to buy.

some people dont need to speak to make an impression. but they leave you with this overpowering feeling of guilt, by simply not speaking to you, by just being there, by just existing the way they do.


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