Wednesday, May 25, 2005's an old recollection..that was quite funny even when it happened...

it happened to be my first or second day at xavier's...generally..was just geting used to economics and jargon thrown at me in class...was just out of Class 12...all fresh and eager to absorb everything that the prof chooses to speak about...

so the prof was talking about different theorists...and of course Adam Smith was mentioned...being 'baap' of economics and all obviously we were talking about laissez faire economics (free market theory) and the prof mentioned the phenomenon of the 'invisible hand' i happened to be sitting somewhere in the middle row...and the prof had a strange goan twang to his accent...and was pretty inaudible as well...

nothing much...i was one of those kids who wanted to read up more...and the prof's goan twang made sure i spent a couple of days trying to look up the term 'invisible hen'!!


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