Wednesday, May 18, 2005

went for paro's party...(please to be noting this was my first visit to the Press Club...quite shameful for a supposed journo...) realised i am so out of the circuit...haven't been in the journo circle for about seven months now...there i was like a 'fifteen year old' (that was the closest someone came to my age...when will people realise that height is not indicative of age)...with a glass of lime juice in my hand...making quiet observations so that i could caricature people for joyie later on...(to make her laugh of course...)

as legend has it... all journos love a good drink...the party made sure that the legend is carried forth in good stead...the bar counter was the most crowded...with conversations on the latest takeovers and the stakes involved..(almost all of them were from the business newspapers)...

a roomfull of people...and here i am...without a minute's worth conversation that i can remember well enough to blog about...

of course friends made sure i wasn't too out of place...trying to introduce me that i could start up a conversation...and in the process i discovered that i was famous!! found people who had heard about me all the way from my college years...

so here's to my new found fame!! (or rather infamy considering that the people who made me famous were more of of the infamous types...)


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Suhas said...

So did you show off your high tech cell to the tech dude AKA "Horsy". You know what i mean ;)

At 3:11 AM, Blogger Vibha said...

nah..i made sure i fled the scene before he graced the occasion with his presence...hahahaha...

don;t thinki listening to a long list of 'my achievements' was on my agenda for that day!!

At 4:16 AM, Blogger Suhas said...

I am very tempted to leave a comment here also :) ....(wrt laloo post)

Boss.. first of all i feel that the government can make use of this mindless consumerism displayed by "urban public".

Lets take a simple example...
You are talking about Coke having a "financial muscle power"..Okay here is how u can harness it..
1. Place a limit on the amount of ground water being consumed, simultaneously attaching a tax to amount of water being used. Also frame a law by which the company will be penalised heavily for every ml of water is consumes above the pre-defined limit

So... If I am the CEO of Coke, India. Such a law would force me to either shut down OR resort sourcing water by desalination of Sea Water based on a cost beifit analysis done by my able MBA employees.

See banning a particular product is very easy, but making the most of the mindless consumerism is what the government should think of. Which is like never gonna happen ....


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