Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Just Discovered...

Economic Sociology. a critique of mainstream economics and so far so good.will post more as i finish reading some more.

and also that i can cycle on the roads during peak hour traffic ...went for a film festival all the way to FTII and even to the travel agent to book my tickets...

on life here...well, have to debate on the motion, " This House Believes that Globalisation has diluted unique National Identities" have been asked to make a case against the motion for Pulse 2006. (that's our fest)...opinions welcome.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger skohari said...

how do we get to be a part of the debate, so get to see,,,coz you know how much it would interest me.

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Economic anthropology got me interested too!

It is a startling revelation.
I am planning to post on that too!

At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It depends on what connotation one gives to Globalisation. The middle class tend to gain from this integration. Creative destruction is an inevitable by product of this phenomenon. National identities are compromised with. It results in a dilution of identities.

At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, how are your classes going on?

At 9:26 AM, Blogger shreya said...

kinda ironic, coz there is another theory (hypothesis?) going around about how it (globalisation)actually results in a sharp delineation between ethnic (not necessarily national) identities, and leads us deeper into a religious fundamentalism...

in my experience, there is more to be said of that theory than the dilution one...

perhaps later in the cycle (i see it as a cycle), there will be a dilution of national/cultural/ethnic (in that order)identities, but for now, no...

case study in question (again, in my opinion) would be the caribbean, especially trinidad and tobago...

and then of course you may be talking from a solely indian perspective, and i dont think i can comment on that...


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did a post on economic anthropology.


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