Thursday, November 13, 2003

i think we belong to generation that may soon forget to live...we start studying way too early, start working too early..we are in this some kinda strange hurry to achieve God knows's all so pointless.

anyways, i think i am talking crap..maybe it's the fever.

by the way, people from xavier's are doing hep things like a Phd in analysing time series data at LSE. also giving me interesting dope on how LSE sucks at adminsistration. apparently this german's admission was cancelled after 4 weeks of attendance coz the admin lost her file... i mean how incompetent could you get?

so blame it on the goras..after all they set up our administrative system.

anyways i think we would have killed sudha if our files had been lost at ACJ..haha. on second thoughts we didn't need our files to be lost for that. hehehehe.


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