Monday, March 22, 2004

The scene is straight out of a sarkari office. the people in charge of the work walk in at 12...go about checking the headlines for the day, then their email for the day. taek abotu half an hour to get into the mood for working. by then it's about 12:45..then it's time to order lunch. 15 minutes to decide the menu. then it's about 1:15 by the time lunch arrives. it's a round tabel conference for lunch. where each one takes her turn for bitching about the 'idiots' upstairs. no phone calls are attended to during lunch time. anyone daring to disturb them during lunch may do so at their own risk. at around 2:15, they finally settle down to work. the unending phonecalls to the 'idiots' begin. please note, 'idiots' are not entitled to lunch time. they are supposed to eat while they answer queries meekly. the queries vary from illogical to down right ignorant and reek of stupidity. but they have to be answered nonetheless.

then they will be at their comps until 10 in the night. of course the 'idiots' have to be there till the end, lest the people in charge have their queries. finally, we are let off the leash. not to mention the innumerable abuses and insults that we are subject to.

this for you is a day at my office. the people in charge are the people on the desk. the 'idiots' are us reporters.


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