so took off to pune for what was supposed to be for a day but turned out to be two days. nandini, her father and me. henceforth nandini's dad is the coolest dad ever. he took us to plush south east asian restaurants and we had exotic food to eat. food from malaysia, japan, china, etc. and food we couldn't pronounce. haha. nan tried to piss off the head waiter by making him pronounce every food on the list. hahahha.
also attended law lecs with nan. it felt a bit like xavier's, taking down dictated notes and all, pretending to take down notes using paint brushes as pens, coz we didn't have note books or pens. may be i should have done law. i mean it seems interesting and stuff.
after that we went house hunting for nan. so everybody we meet tells us that there is a lady called Sharon Pani who was taking paying guests. and so we hunt for her place. and when we finally reach there, it's a Mrs. Sharangpani. hahaha. all our dreams about a hep Catholic chick waiting to give us a dream accomodation was flushed down when we met this really old, nearly senile lady who nearly ate us up. really!! i mean, she would jump at us for every question asked.
and then we left in the evening after an awesome lunch. expensive again. on the way nan's dad was telling us intersting stories about Ramakant Vada Pav wala, who has been on the mumbai pune highway for donkeys of years and how he bribed the officials to let him set shop on the new expressway, and about Hyundai's aggresive marketing strategies. all this while nan kept trying to take my trip about me being anti coke and anti pepsi and anti mc donalds. she would ask, "so if you are stranded in this place with no food except mcdonalds and coke and u are going to die if you don't eat, what will you do?" and her dad would come to my rescue by changing the topic.
the drive was obviously awesome. but there is something wrong. i mean, the scenery and stuff. the usual clouds on hills, waterfalls and the green stuff. but everything looked so trite and contrived. i mean like described stuff that we read in books. and it looked as though nature had been modified to suit the description. maybe too much has been written about the beauties of nature. the fun of experiencing things first hand has just gone away. i mean there are some things that you don't want described, you just want to experience it. like the white light in auroville. it's like a suspense film and it's a total let down if you know what is going to come up.
suhas's sis wants to be an oceanographer. kids these days. i remember how one of my early ambitions in life was to be a bus conductor. that was like at age five. suhas wanted to be a waiter. i mean talk about being ambitious. and then i wanted to be a rockstar, a nun (!), a vet and then a journo. in that order. we are such a loser generation.
by the way, if it isn't the pesitcides it will be the coke, so what's the big deal. at least now you know what's killing you.